Friends on the internet call me Phano. Male pronouns for the curious. I am a wizard of many skills, but the primary focus of this little website is on my games. I've always wanted to make my own, but I didn't know how to look for resources and help when I was a kid. It is truly never too late to learn anything, however!
I have a fascination with older machines. It's not to say that I have a distaste for anything that comes out these days; I only have a preference of how I interface with the art form. I play games that I like, and people started calling them retro at some point. It doesn't make any sense to me to toss aside a piece of art simply because the medium is outdated. The Gameboy is my preferred console. It's a mix of nostalgia and a genuine appreciation for how games feel, look and sound.
It's important to me that my games can be played for free. Unfortunately, that doesn't pay my bills! I have gone part time at my more conventional job in order to focus on my game development passions, while not committing to a starving artist's lifestyle. So I will be releasing full digital versions of my games behind a pay wall for the first year and then on a pay what you want basis after that.
In addition to this, I want all my worlds and characters to be licenced under Creative Commons. I want to encourage creativity; share and expand upon ideas.
So what does the name mean? Denebola is a navigational star in the constellation Leo. As much as I would like to say it has some kind of esoteric meaning, I just liked the way it sounds and it stuck!
Check out my Itch.io page or send me a good old fashioned email: denebola-games@gmail.com